Sou by Mao Ikeda
Tokyo Zokei University | Department of Design | Furniture, Interior & Architecture Major

For me, a cafe is one of the spaces where you can feel comfortable.This research was started from the question of why I feel that way.
In a cafe, people have similar purpose while spending their time individually.I think that there might be an unconscious sense of connection there.I made it to express that sense.
When you go inside "Sou", you are softly enveloped by the light filled with dome-shaped shoji.The area that was born there is a space of one's own, but it is not completely closed.It is softly connected to the outside area and does not give the impression of being partitioned by a wall.People are undeniably connected even when spending their time here individually.I think that's what it means to be comfortable in public.
I chose shoji as a way to express that comfort.Shoji has long been used to divide spaces in Japan, and while it divides space, it is a soft partition that allows the presence and sounds of people on the other side to be transmitted.These ambiguous partition is implicit partition that exist in people's consciousness.By incorporating these elements, I expressed a comfortable space where you can spend time individually while connecting with the outside area.
words: Mao Ikeda
title: Sou
student name: Mao Ikeda
school: Tokyo Zokei University, Department of Design, Furniture, Interior & Architecture Major
year: 2023
category: Furniture Design